Wednesday 14 November 2012

How to Remove the Recycler Virus

How to Remove the Recycler Virus

The Recycler virus is a trojan that is transferred to a computer system through an infected removable storage device such as a flash drive. This particular virus will change the drive access method on an infected machine. A user will get an error message about a missing recycler.exe file when double clicking on their local hard disk or flash drive. A variant of this virus will also corrupt some system files which can cause a computer to automatically restart shortly after startup. Removing the Recycler virus is a slow and time consuming process.


o                                                        1
A computer that is affected with the Recycler virus needs to be restarted in Safe Mode. To do this press the F8 key on the keyboard during the computer's boot up sequence. When the menu option appears on the screen select Safe Mode and press Enter on the keyboard.
o                                                        2
Run an anti-spyware check on the system. This can be done by using programs such as Spy-Bot Search and Destroy, Ad-Aware and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

o                                                        3
Run a complete virus scan on the system. There are many ant-virus programs available to choose from including Norton and McAffee as well as a free program called AVG Anti-Virus.
o                                                        4
Delete the autorun.inf file from the removable storage device and the local hard drive. It may be necessary to do a right click on the drive within My Computer and then selecting Explore.
o                                                        5
Do a clean-up of the system registry. A free program called RegSeeker is available that can scan and remove bad, old as well as obsolete registry entries.
o                                                        6
Restart the system. All traces of the virus should be gone and the system should be running normally.

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